Photo Day

LifeTouch will be taking school portraits today.

Early Dismissal

2:10 - 2:20 A - M families and bus students 2:20 - 2:30 N - Z families

DCS 101: Zoom Meeting

Formerly known as "New Parent Orientation", attending a DCS 101 is a requirement for membership for our Delta Christian School Society. Membership to our Society is a great way to be a part of our community and allows you voting privileges on various items at our AGMs. Please check your emails for the Zoom meeting ... Read more

Yearbook Sales Close @ Midnight

The 2020-2021 Delta Christian School yearbooks are now on sale. Sales for yearbooks will automatically close at midnight on May 2, 2021, and cannot be reopened. Yearbooks are $25 each and can be purchased online at Our school code is 14108421, or you can search by school location on the site.