Pink Shirt Day

Students may wear a pink shirt and any other pink clothing item they like in support of the anti-bullying initiative begun by high school students in Nova Scotia in 2007.  Official shirts are available through various retailers but they are not required.  Any pink shirt is accepted.

Student-Led Conferences and Staff Dinner

Students will show their parents what they have learned this year and show them several examples of the work they have done.  Students are in school for the full day. Parents will prepare and serve dinner to the teachers. Thank you!

Grandparents’ Day (Regular school day)

Grandparents and Grandfriends are invited to tour their grandchildren's classrooms and see examples of their work, followed by refreshments and a special presentation in the gym.

Barbecue and Bands Concert

This is an annual fundraiser here at DCS.  Buy tickets to enjoy a fabulous barbecue meal, listen to the DCS bands and enjoy a cake walk.  Every student is invited to bake and decorate a cake for this event.  New families entering in the fall are warmly invited to attend.

Final Report Cards

Final report cards will be issued.  Have a great summer everyone!  We'll see you in September.

Picture day

Individual and class pictures today!  Please make sure your child is wearing their full dress uniform - This means white shirt and sweater.  If they have a school tie they should wear it.