Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy

The Delta Christian School Board adopted the following uniform policy for the 2013-2014 school year:

The theme for the Delta Christian School uniform is “royal blue and black.”  

  •         All students must be in uniform at all times, which means that they must be wearing royal blue and black.
  •         All students must have a royal blue pullover or cardigan sweater with a school crest.       

Choose from the following options to dress in royal blue and black.  All clothing items are available for purchase from Cambridge School Uniforms; however asterisked (*) items must be Cambridge Uniform items:

Girls’ items:                                                                     

*Tartan tunic                                                                   

*Tartan skort                                                                       

White blouse option to be worn with                            

      *skort or *tunic                                                                   

Black dress pants with flat front                                                       

Black walking shorts                                                        

*Royal blue polo shirt                                                                        

Royal blue pullover *sweater with school crest                      

Royal blue cardigan *sweater with school crest            

Knee high black socks or black tights                             

Black indoor footwear with anti-scuff soles                   

Black outdoor footwear                                                  


Boys’ items:

*Tartan tie

White dress shirt option to be worn with royal blue *sweater and/or *tie

Black dress pants with flat front      

Black walking shorts

*Royal blue polo shirt          

Royal blue pullover *sweater with school crest    

Royal blue cardigan *sweater with school crest

Black socks

Black indoor footwear with anti-scuff soles

Black outdoor footwear


  1.      PE Uniform: purchased from DCS – royal blue t-shirt & black shorts
  2.      Sports Teams Uniforms supplied by DCS
  3.      Free choice for athletic shoes in PE and athletic teams


White dress shirt (optional *tie) and black pants (or Tartan *tunic or *skort)

Prefer in School Colours:

  •         coats, hoodies and jackets
  •         hats, mittens and scarves
  •         hair and clothing accessories

Special Days:

  •         Weekly chapels: all students wear their school *sweater
  •         Other events as announced throughout the school year
  •         Out-of-dress Fridays: every odd Friday students have the option to be out of uniform.  The first Friday of every month is a free dress day. On the 3rd and 5th Fridays the cost for being out of dress is $1 which will be collected by the grade 7 students for their graduation account.

Incentives for the first year:

  •         school purchase a crested  royal blue golf shirt for every student
  •         school purchase a crested shirt or blouse and cardigan or pullover for every staff member