Sarah Harvey

Sarah Harvey, Educational Assistant
Many consider Richmond, BC a “big city” but I was fortunate enough to be raised in Richmond in a time where cul-de-sacs were our playgrounds, our hockey rinks, and our basketball courts. Neighborhoods would co-parent and the streets were filled with haphazardly dropped bicycles. The beauty of this kind of community is something I found when I moved to Ladner and nothing could make me happier as I raise my daughter here.
Over the past several years I have been blessed to have been able to work with the amazing children at Wind and Tide preschool, volunteer as a classroom parent, and participate in the Delta Christian School fellowship as they built a strong foundation for my daughter’s future.
In 2021, I was honoured to be brought on as an Educational Assistant at DCS and have truly found my passion in supporting the beautiful minds of children. These amazing children continue to teach me that not all journeys in life are alike. Their persistence and excitement for learning has brought me so much joy!