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Monthly Prayer Time
Lunchtime prayer gathering for parents, staff and students in Room 203
Grandparents Day
Grandparents are welcome to visit their grandchildren's classrooms, watch a performance by the students, view students' artwork and handwriting and enjoy some refreshments
Monthly Prayer Time
Lunchtime prayer gathering for parents, staff and students in Room 203
Monthly Prayer Time
Lunchtime prayer gathering for parents, staff and students in Room 203
First Day of School (11:00am Dismissal)
Class lists will be available in the last week of summer break to inform parents of who their child(ren)'s teacher and classmates will be.
Dessert & Teacher/Parent Information Evening
Meet your child's teachers and find out about what is in store for them this year as well as the classroom routines and teacher expectations.
Community Lunch Prayer Gathering
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together