Term 2 Report Cards & Casual Dress Day
Your child will bring home their term 2 report card. Please read it, sign the envelope and send the envelope back home with your child.
Your child will bring home their term 2 report card. Please read it, sign the envelope and send the envelope back home with your child.
Enjoy this two week break!
Welcome back!
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together
Students will show their parents what they have learned this year and show them several examples of the work they have done. Students are in school for the full day. Parents will prepare and serve dinner to the teachers. Thank you!
Grandparents and Grandfriends are invited to tour their grandchildren's classrooms and see examples of their work, followed by refreshments and a special presentation in the gym.
Students will be taking a golf program during their PE classes on these days.
Deadline to order hot lunch is Apr 23
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together
Students and staff may purchase a jeans day button from the office or elsewhere for the special privilege of wearing jeans at school on Thursday, May 2. The money paid for these buttons go to BC Children's Hospital, to support the care of critically ill children, research childhood illnesses and work towards preventing illness and ... Read more
This is a big fundraiser for DCS annually. Students will be asking for donations.
Enjoy your day off!
New Kindergarten students for 2019-2020 are invited to come and spend part of the morning in the kindergarten class with the teacher while their parents receive information from the principal about what to expect as their children enter our school. No school for current Kindergarten students this day. Enjoy your day off!
Join us for our annual Spring Business General Meeting. The 2019-2020 budget will be presented and new board members will be voted in.
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together