Hot Lunch
Deadline to order hot lunch is Apr 23
Deadline to order hot lunch is Apr 23
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together
Students and staff may purchase a jeans day button from the office or elsewhere for the special privilege of wearing jeans at school on Thursday, May 2. The money paid for these buttons go to BC Children's Hospital, to support the care of critically ill children, research childhood illnesses and work towards preventing illness and ... Read more
This is a big fundraiser for DCS annually. Students will be asking for donations.
Enjoy your day off!
New Kindergarten students for 2019-2020 are invited to come and spend part of the morning in the kindergarten class with the teacher while their parents receive information from the principal about what to expect as their children enter our school. No school for current Kindergarten students this day. Enjoy your day off!
Join us for our annual Spring Business General Meeting. The 2019-2020 budget will be presented and new board members will be voted in.
Parents, students and staff all welcome to room 215 to pray together
This is an annual fundraiser here at DCS. Buy tickets to enjoy a fabulous barbecue meal, listen to the DCS bands and enjoy a cake walk. Every student is invited to bake and decorate a cake for this event. New families entering in the fall are warmly invited to attend.
Grade 7's will be honoured at a special tea for them and their families. The grads will receive their diplomas, have an awards presentation and reflect on their accomplishments here at DCS. Congratulations to our graduating class and may God bless your future endeavours.
This is the last day of school for K-Grade 6. Students may come wearing casual clothes. A year-end assembly will take place 11-11:45am. Parents are invited to attend.
Final report cards will be issued. Have a great summer everyone! We'll see you in September.
8:45-11:00am We will have an assembly at 10:30am. Parents are welcome.
Parent Information evening. Come and meet your child(ren)'s teacher(s) and find out about their classroom routines.
Parents, Students and Staff are welcome to come and pray for the school at 12:15 pm in room 215.
Toonies for Terry - Students will take part in this ongoing Terry Fox Foundation fundraiser. Teachers will provide more information.
New Parents are invited to attend this orientation to find out more about the purpose and governance of our school.
Individual and class pictures today! Please make sure your child is wearing their full dress uniform - This means white shirt and sweater. If they have a school tie they should wear it.
Students may wear casual clothing, keeping in mind our dress code, found in the Parent-Student Handbook. Dismissal will be at 1:50pm to give staff a chance to collaborate on projects and teaching methods.