K-7 Program

Fraser Institute Rankings

Top 10% K-7 school in British Columbia

Highest ranking school in Ladner

Top three school in Delta

Our Teachers:

  • Are BC-certified
  • Receive specific training on how to integrate faith into learning
  • Are life-long learners and access professional development opportunities throughout the year
  • Collaborate and work with each other to continually improve their craft
  • Are regularly evaluated informally and formally

Our Curriculum:

  • Is consistent throughout the school;  teachers speak a common language when it comes to skills related to comprehension, reading, and spelling
  • Is carefully designed to support critical thinking skills and encourage deeper thinking
  • Is regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the needs of learners
  • Encourages creativity and innovation, while valuing proven methods

Our Events and Extras:

  • Are created to allow all children an opportunity to shine
  • Are community-minded with lots of opportunities for parents to be engaged, involved and learn

Our Strengths include:

  • Excellence in classroom culture allowing students to flourish
  • Consistently high scores in standardized testing
  • Support for parents and parent involvement
  • A highly positive school tone
  • A wide range of learning opportunities for all kinds of children
  • Support for special needs children

For more details on our K-7 program, please click for Program Highlights.