Grades K-7 Program Highlights

Teaching for Transformation (All Grades)

Teaching for Transformation is a design framework for the creation of authentic, formational learning experiences rooted in a transformational worldview. These learning experiences invite, nurture, and empower teachers and students to play their part in God’s story through everyday learning.

The core practices of Teaching for Transformation are practiced in over 100 schools worldwide to create learning experiences that empower teachers and students to explore their role in the kingdom story.

Learn More about Teaching for Transformation

Primary Program (Grades K-3)

Primary Inquiry

Inquiry is an important part of cross-curricular units completed in the primary years. The learning journey is explicitly shared with the children. The planning stages involve direct input from the students. The learning outcome is agreed upon from the outset with the children. For example, we are planning for a Science Fair or sharing our learnings with another class in the school. Teachers provide an initial stimulus experience to gain excitement and by in. Learning and investigation are scaffolded, and students can work collaboratively. At the conclusion of each project or unit, there is self-reflection and evaluation. Key elements include students being encouraged to ask open-ended questions. In the primary years, teachers provide note-taking templates, appropriate research materials to help students narrow the scope of their research. Teachers often guide the presentation of their findings in a myriad of ways including teaching formatting and criteria for an excellent poster, diorama, oral presentation, lapbook etc. The tone moves from playful, and curious to a planned project guided by the teacher. The idea behind Inquiry-Based learning is to move from teachers being the source of the answers to being co-learners and supporters in the genuine curiosity and wonder-based thinking of our young learners!

Primary Literacy

Our primary department prioritizes direct reading instruction from kindergarten through third grade. We use the Read Well program to carry out this goal. This is a comprehensive research-based reading and language arts program that teaches students to build the critical skills needed to be successful readers and learners. This is accomplished through differentiated small-group instruction and individual student practice. Students will learn phonemic awareness, phonics skills, high-frequency sight-words, word parts, and multisyllabic words and develop fluency, speed and accuracy in reading. Alongside this, they will expand their vocabulary, content knowledge, and comprehension skills. We believe in the importance of fostering a love of literature as this is a gift we can give our students that will last a lifetime!

Primary Numeracy

Our primary department is committed to helping students develop a strong number sense. This is achieved by using the program My Math Path grades one through three which is fully aligned to the British Columbia math curriculum and has a Singapore Math framework. This structure focuses on the mastery of a limited number of concepts at a time using a purposeful sequence of topics. The My Math Path resource places problem-solving at the heart of mathematical learning. In addition to focusing on skills, the program also emphasizes the need for students to develop a positive attitude towards math and the necessary perseverance to be successful. This balanced math series focuses on math fact fluency to give students the tools and confidence they need to solve real-world problems!

Intermediate Program (Grades 4-7)

Intermediate Inquiry

Inquiry at the Intermediate level builds on the skills acquired in the primary years and moves the students towards more independence and ownership of their learning in a variety of subject areas. In the intermediate grades, the students are coached by their teachers as they go through the inquiry process of brainstorming questions on a given topic, refining an open-ended driving question, and developing sub-questions that will guide their inquiry. The students are provided with strategies, conditions and resources to help them with the investigation and are given plenty of teacher feedback during the exploration and research stages of any given assignment or project. Ultimately, the findings are presented as the students share their expertise on a given topic with their peers, and are given the opportunity to reflect on the process of how and what they learned. Students learn that inquiry requires more than simply answering questions or getting the right answer. It encourages investigation, exploration, quest, research, pursuit, and study and is enhanced by involvement within the classroom community of learners as they learn from each other. Our goal at Delta Christian School is that when our students leave our school, their sense of wonder about God’s world and their curiosity will be more developed than when they arrived, that they will have a greater sense of ownership of their learning, and will want to learn more.

Digital Citizenship

In combination with workshops led by our school liaison officer and our teachers, digital citizenship is taught to help achieve and understand digital literacy, as well as ensuring cyberbullying prevention, online safety and digital responsibility.

All Grades

AIM French (Grades 1-7)

The French program is enjoyed by students in Grades 1-7. At the core of our curriculum is AIM (Accelerated Integrated Methodology) which provides an opportunity for students to experience an immersive language environment. Speaking in French is encouraged using pared-down language accompanied by corresponding gestures. These gestures help enhance meaning and increase comprehension. Various activities, including games, songs, drama and art, support whole language learning. Children are taught about the parts of language while they pursue “authentic” reading and writing in a cooperative framework. Learning French through AIM is an exciting and positive experience for students at DCS.

Music & Band

The Music and Band program at Delta Christian School starts in Kindergarten and progresses until the end of grade 7. Students in kindergarten to grade 3 enjoy general music classes. These classes focus on the development of fundamental musical skills. Pitch matching and steady beat movement comprise the beginning of the general music class journey. From there, students progress to Solfege singing using Cerwin hand signs, ear training, and sight-singing. General music classes also include the integration of Orff mallet instruments, Boom whackers, hand percussion, ukuleles and recorders. All of these elements come together in school-wide concert performances throughout the year. This continues until the end of term 1 in Grade 4. From there, Grade 4 students transition into the band program. Students continue in band until the end of Grade 7. During this time students are able to put into practice the skills and knowledge that they have gained in the primary grades. School-wide concert performances continue to be a regular event for band students. As well, students can look forward to participating in music festivals outside of the school community in events such as the Kiwanis Music Festival.

Bible & Christian Perspective

The purpose of the Bible program at Delta Christian School is to help students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The focus is on God’s story and how it has been revealed to his people. Students learn in a variety of engaging ways about themes and biblical characters within the historical context of the Bible. The curriculum also fosters faith development and personal response in young learners.

In order to equip each student for life, our teachers and support staff seek to infuse a Christ-centred spiritual element into every aspect of life at Delta Christian School. All subject areas whether they be core academic areas or non-core areas are taught from a Christian perspective using Biblical Throughlines so that students may discover the many ways that God reveals himself, giving opportunities to respond and grow in faith. The Christian teachers at Delta Christian School seek to foster sincere relationships with the students by spending time praying with and for students, showing genuine interest in their lives, and teaching Christian values through example.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

We value providing every learner with what they need to be successful. Much of this comes from understanding who they are as learners, focusing on Social-Emotional learning, development, and growth. Grades 1-3 are working their way through the Zones of Regulation program, a curriculum that promotes self-regulation and awareness of emotions. We also have a social skills group in the intermediate grades that focuses primarily on social awareness, self-regulation, kindness, empathy, and self-control. Throughout our classrooms, teachers are all using common language and aim to foster positive relationships with all students and provide a classroom community that promotes healthy growth and development. When students understand what they need, and how to self-regulate and self-monitor, they can focus better on the tasks at hand and grow into learners who can self-advocate.

Library Learning Commons

The Delta Christian School Library Learning Commons exists as an integral part of the educational program and as an extension of the classroom. The purpose of the Learning Commons is to support every member of the school community, including students, staff, and families by helping the community gain new knowledge, and skills for learning and personal development that will be used throughout their lives. Students’ use of the Learning Commons provides them with the opportunity to not only become life-long readers, but to become thoughtful users of information, and to enrich their learning with STEAM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) activities to students to further enrich cross-curricular learning.

Computational Thinking

At the primary level, students use apps like Typing Club and Kodable on iPads and Chromebooks to support what they are learning in class and to develop keyboarding and coding skills. Intermediate students regularly use Chromebooks to complete assignments posted on Google Classroom, for research purposes or for creating projects through various digital media platforms. As well, the G-Suite platform allows for integration and collaboration between students and educators in the class or even remotely if necessary.


Delta Christian School offers a well-balanced athletic program. Through our PE classes, students gain an appreciation for and develop their skill level in a variety of different sports. We are also involved in both the Christian and public schools’ athletic programs. Between these two organizations, the sports teams that our students can participate in are soccer, cross-country, volleyball, basketball, badminton and track and field. While all sports teams end their season with a tournament, some of them also contain organized weekly games. Furthermore, DCS brings in organizations that offer lessons in tennis, curling, golf and dance. Students also participate at local community centers for ice skating and/or gymnastics.

Service Leadership

At DCS, it is our goal to instill a servant leadership heart in our students. Students in grades 5-7 help to ensure the school runs smoothly through activities such as answering the office phone, taking out the recycling, maintaining the PE equipment, running the soundboard and setting up for chapel. Additionally, older students show leadership to younger students through our buddy program where they read, play and pray together. Students from every grade show their service leadership skills by participating in various community service projects. For example, DCS has adopted a neighbourhood street and is also responsible for keeping Magee Park clean.

Community-wide Events

DCS hosts a number of large events throughout the year to connect with the broader community and celebrate the learning of students. These events include appreciation days for pastors and grandparents. We also host a K-7 concert at Christmas where students perform through singing, instruments, and drama. In the spring, a showcase of learning is held where student projects surrounding a specific curricular theme are displayed and presented on. In recent years, showcases have included musical and math, science, and culture fairs. The year wraps up with a BBQ that includes the band performing, a cakewalk, and of course, delicious food.